31-10-2014 | Nature Weeks Ogliastra Diving and Apart Hotel Domus de Janas

( April to 10 May) :
  • Seven days in the mini loft with breakfast, two hikes and one boat excursion € 316.00 for person
  • Seven days in the mini loft with  breakfast, 6 dives (3 double dives) € 456.00 for person  
  • Seven days in the attic with sea view breakfast, two hikes and one boat excursion € 435.00 for person
  • Seven days in the attic with sea view breakfast, with 6 dives (3 double dives) € 575.00 for person
 (from 10 May to 22 June ) :
  • Seven days in the mini loft with  breakfast, two hikes and one boat excursion € 590.00 for two people
  • Seven days in the mini loft with breakfast, with 6 dives  (3 double dives) € 870.00 for two people
  • Seven days in the attic with sea view  breakfast, two hikes and one boat excursion  € 695.00 for two people
  • Seven days in the attic with sea view and breakfast, with 6 dives  (3 double dives) € 975.00 for two people

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ASD Ogliastra Diving & Windsurfing - Via Cagliari 103 Bari sardo - P.iva 01424590915

phone 3404204725    email info@ogliastradiving.it